Change & Transformation Services

Brimstone Consulting recruit across all areas of Change & Transformation. Below is more information related to Change & Transformation.

Change vs Transformation

Change management work is more focused on execution of a pre-defined element and tends to be more easily reversed.

Change management involves implementing clearly circumscribed initiatives designed to bring about a well-defined change in the way things work within an organisation.

Transformation is much more radical, unlike change management, it doesn't focus on a few discrete, well-defined shifts, but rather on a portfolio of initiatives, which are interdependent or intersecting

Transformation seeks to discover or invent a business model with an eye towards the future, it is much more unpredictable, and as such, involves higher risk.

Business Transformation

  • Is all about identifying techniques, new processes, and technologies that aren’t being used to their maximum capacity. It requires understanding how alternate solutions can be applied to further gain market share, increase revenue and customer satisfaction or reduce operating costs. 
  • Organisations undertake business transformations to create additional value. Processes and systems are being implemented within an organization.  
  • For many organizations, this is not a simple process, particularly within the organisations that have a mind-set that fears change. Therefore, how you deal and communicate with employees dictates how successful the transformation will be.

Digital Transformation (DX)

  • Is the process of implementing digital initiatives, including technology for bringing in a new wave of change in the way:
  • Business and processes are held
  • End-user interacts with the business/product for customer satisfaction
  • Culture is developed/built organizational-wide, cross-functionally

Transformation of Business Processes

  • Most companies engage in business process transformation when they need to make a drastic update to existing processes. Using this process transformation methodology, you can modernize your processes, incorporate new technology, save costs, and better integrate your core systems. 
  • Business process transformation is part of the larger concept of business process management (BPM).

Organisational transformation

  • A business strategy for change management intended to move your organization from where it currently is to a desired future state. These change initiatives involve efforts focused on employee experience.

Cultural transformation

  • Cultural transformation takes place when the organization engages in a process to realign the culture to its vision, mission, and core values to achieve its strategic objectives. It is a form of organizational transformation.

Management transformation

  • The aim of the transformation management process is to help an organization align its human resource and business assets with its business strategy and customer needs, with the ulti- mate goal of enabling the organization to respond more quickly and effectively to changes in the global business environment.

Information Systems Transformation

  • Information Systems Transformation provides a practical guide to organizations seeking ways to understand and leverage existing systems as part of their information management strategies.